Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 7

The tricycle finished drying, so I was able to put the Saw character and tricycle in the yard today.

I finished building my above group grave, but I don't like the way it turned out.  I will need to fix this for next year.


Rain, rain go away!

Halloween is only a few days away and it is raining today. The weatherman even said maybe a chance of snow. Come on, snow in October, give me a break ... I don't think my Halloween decorations can stand up to snow. Come on God, give me at least a week more without snow and make this darn rain go away for about 4 days. I want to have a dry Halloween and I still have a little bit of decorating to do.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 6

I ran across this in Spirit of Halloween, so I thought I would decide to build something like this for my graveyard. I started working on building this today, but I only finished the top and bottom so far. I will need to finish this up next weekend. I'm hoping to hide my fogger, Gemmy music light show box, and maybe one of my ground breakers inside of this. I'm sure mine will look slightly different than this:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 5

I decided today to paint the tricycle that Jigsaw sits on. It is now offically red, just like the Saw movies. The only problem is it is taking forever to dry. Hopefully it will dry up in a few days so I can put it in the yard soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 4

Today, I hung up the lights on the house and the other half of the fence. I still have a few more projects to work on before I will be complete with all of my decorations. Hopefully I will be decorating by October 30th.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 3

Today I added the lights down the sidewalk and added lights and caution tape to half of the fence. I also set out the rubber cat and rats and added the Skelton parts to the graveyard. I started to put up the house lights, but I figured I better not climb the ladder in the dark, so I will need to hang them on the house tomorrow. Now I have to find lights for the other half of the fence.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 2

My second day of setting up my Halloween Decorations is complete. I set up all of my dummies and ground breakers today.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Halloween Decorating, Day 1

My first day of setting up my Halloween Decorations is complete. I was able to set up all of my tombstones and mausoleum today. Boy I’m tired, so I will wait until tomorrow to put out more decorations out. I don’t want to do too much at once or I will hurt my back and I have enough back pain without making it worse.