Monday, February 5, 2018

2018 Halloween reload

I've decided to redo all of my Halloween decorations. This year I'm going to start early, in March. This year I will be redoing all of my gravestones to make them look more realistic. I also will be doing spray foam for my body molds for my dummies. I'm planning on making a new Crypt out of insulation board and 2x2 lumber. This time the Crypt will be built to come apart for easier transport. I also want to try out some monster mud this year. I can't wait to get started, come on warm weather.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

2013 Halloween Decorating, Day 4

My niece and nephew helped me hang up my severed heads for the Chop Shop.  This is one of my favorite things in the yard.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

2013 Halloween Decorating, Day 3

I put out my coffin, crypt, and above ground grave today.  I also drilled holes into the above ground gave to add red lights into the gargoyle head.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

2014 Halloween Decorating, Day 1

It took an hour to put out my gravestones this year.  I think that is the fastest I've ever put them all out.


I spent about  1 1/2 putting out half of my dummies.  I ran out of daylight and had to stop decorating. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Halloween Project - Fence

I started building a fence to keep people from asking to walk through my yard.  I finished two sections of fencing today made out of 1/2" PVC pipe and 1"x2"x8' wood.  Below are the instructions I used to create fence sections:
  1. Cut the 1'x2"x8' wood in half to make 4' sections of fence. 
  2. Cut the 10' PVC 1/2" pipe in half.  I cut mine into 63" and 57" in order to have some shorter and longer fence posts.
  3. Drill holes every 6" into the two sections of 1'x2"x4'
  4. Insert PVC into the wood holes.
  5. Then use Gorilla glue to glue the PVC in the wood holes
  6. Spray paint

Friday, November 1, 2013

2013 Halloween Summary

This year, I just didn't feel like putting out my Halloween decorations, but my niece and nephew was begging me to put them out.  I took the little bit of energy I had and put out all of the decorations.  I only had enough energy to work on two new projects, which was my new jester and modifying my above ground grave by adding a gargoyle head to the front of it which I used to shoot my fog machine out of it's mouth.