Sunday, November 1, 2009

2009 Halloween Summary

This year I added lights to my house and yard and had them timed to music, the kids just loved it. I redid all of my gravestones; carved all of the epitaphs by hand using a hot knife and then I created a base for each of the gravestones. I built a crypt out of 2"x2" and insulation foam board. It took a few months to finish this project, so if you are planning on making one of these, make sure you plan enough time because it toke a few months to complete (instructions are in my 10/4/2009 blog). I created a lamppost out of an old fan base and a black pumpkin from Wal-mart. Now I just need to figure out a way to keep it from not falling over every time there is strong wind. I also created a Beatlejuice character a few days before Halloween, but I didn't have time to finish making his hands, so that will be a project for next year.

My house is becoming more popular every year. The only problem is within the next two years, I'm planning on moving, so they will have to travel to see my Halloween Display.

Click here for more 2009 Halloween photos